Joining an industry association is a great way to expand your professional network, keep up to date with insider industry news, expand your skill set with workshops and seminars and access a range of member benefits including discounted rates on insurance.

Here are five of Australia’s biggest and best massage therapy associations:

Association of Massage Therapists (AMT)

About: AMT was established in 1966 and is Australia’s oldest massage therapy association. It is not-for-profit organisation that advocates to advance the profile and standing of massage therapists, and promote the health benefits of massage therapy.

Member benefits: Members are invited to attend the annual national conference along with a range of workshops, meetings and local members’ days throughout the year. Members also receive a quarterly journal, regular email updates, and can connect with other massage therapists through the AMT online forum.

Cost: $75 application fee for new members, plus $185 per year.*

Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)

About: ANTA was established more than 60 years ago to represent complementary medicine and natural therapy practitioners. It currently has approximately 10,000 members across Australia.

Member benefits: Members are invited to attend regular national seminars and can participate in the organisation’s practitioner referral service. ANTA members are also recognised nationally by more than 50 health funds and WorkCover Authorities. A quarterly publication provides additional resources and members are offered the opportunity to create a free web page.

Cost: Membership is from $165 for members with a Diploma qualification.*

Massage Association of Australia (MAA)

About: MMA is a volunteer-run organisation and aims to communicate with and build bridges between the massage industry and other health professions with mutual respect and care.

Member benefits: All members receive voting rights at the annual general meeting and are invited to join a board committee to sub-committee. Members also have access to discounted liability insurance and receive a free classified ad in the quarterly newsletter.   

Cost: New memberships are $253 for 12 months; renewals are $192.50.*

Myotherapy Association of Australia (formerly IRMA)

About: Established in 1989, the Myotherapy Association of Australia (formerly IRMA) works closely with governments, educators and other key stakeholders to advance the myotherapy industry and provide improved access to myotherapy services. It remains Australia’s only association dedicated solely to the needs of myotherapists and myotherapy profession.

Member Benefits: In addition to being part of Australia’s peak organisation for myotherapists, Myotherapy Association Australia (MA) members can also enjoy comprehensive insurance as part of their annual fee through Guild Insurance, the use of the MA brand, free exclusive listing on our ‘find a practitioner’ page, recognition by major private health funds and workcover authorities, industry partner discounts, reduced registration fee to a high-calibre of evidence based professional development activities and more.

Cost: Student membership is free. New myotherapy graduates can join within 12 months of graduation for $395.*  (This fee includes insurance).

Massage & Myotherapy Association (MMA) (Formerly known as AAMT)

About: MMA (formerly known as Australian Association of Massage Therapy (AAMT)) was formed in 2003 as a not-for-profit organisation to represent massage therapists nationwide. It has more than 8,600 members across Australia and is committed to upholding and promoting the highest quality of standards in the field of massage therapy.

Member benefits: AAMT members are able to obtain combined malpractice, public and products liability insurance at a reduced premium and all members receive a free listing in the Australian Massage Directory. Members can also attend a range of lectures, workshops, online learning sessions, and an annual Conference and receive a quarterly journal and monthly e-news updates.

Cost: Membership is from $319 including the application fee. Membership level is dependent on your education qualifications.*

*Prices are valid at time of going to print. All prices are subject to change and should be confirmed with associations before joining.